Well, it’s the time of the year when the staff here at TeethoftheDivine take a short break for the Holidays. Unlike Apple workers, we give our little elves a little time off to celebrate the season with their families, loved ones, cats or sex doll of choice.
We will be back in the New Year with our much anticipated (for maybe 14 people?) year-end lists. And of course, will dive into the New Year with a slew of reviews we had left over from 2023s bumper crop of quality metal as well as 2024s quick onslaught of great releases.
As usual thank you to YOU the reader, for making TeethotheDivine what it is- the site continues to grow as we strive to be your source or no-bullshit (mostly), to the point reviews of your favorite genres.
Here’s to 2024!!!!!
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