Born of Hate

Call me a homer but I’m always a little excited when a local, or Missouri band does well. But pickings have been slim of late. I mean Scholomance, Anacrusis, Angel Corpse, Lye By Mistake; long gone. And promising young bands like Vampire Moooose, Harkonin or Recrudescence never made it further than local favorite. But canada’s Blast Head Records have managed to unearth, not one but two fine death/black metal acts from St Louis in Symphonic death metal act Eternium and blackened death mongers Tyranny Enthroned.
While Eternium released their debut Repelling a Solar Giant, just last year Tyranny Enthroned are veterans by comparison being around since 2006 and having an EP (2009s Eulogy) and two albums under their studded belt- 2012s Born of Hate and Our Great Undoing their Blast Head Records debut. Both are damn fine albums of commanding blackened death metal that show a St Louis band can make some noise in the US and international scene. I caught up with guitarist/vocalist Jesse McCoy to dig a little deeper into this kick ass metal secret in my own back yard.
Tell us a little history of Tyranny Enthroned and how the current line up came about
–Tyranny Enthroned has been through so many lineup changes over the years. It would take me the entire interview if you wanted to know every single member that has played with us. What matters most is our members now. The current lineup with Anthony George on bass, Steve Lee on drums, Gabe Price on guitar and I on guitar and vocal duties. The band went from a basement project to something more serious and we wanted members that were willing to put enough effort to make it so.
The new album is damn solid- how was the process when writing recording the all important second album? Was it written when Blast Head approached you?
-This albums writing process was a little more direct with our approach. Our debut album “Born of Hate” was a collection of writing we had over a few years. Where as “Our Great Undoing” was written more within one year. Recording this record, we took major steps in the studio to create a power mix. Spending upwards of 12-14 hours each day recording, we made sure each and every part was up to our high standard of perfection. The deal with Blast Head was made during the writing process and we made a promise to push the envelope entirely with our sophomore release.
What are the primary influences of Tyranny Enthroned? Im guessing Behemoth at least right?
-The funny thing about that is Behemoth is not as big of an influence musically to us as you may think. Behemoth’s Demigod album did play a role in my personal influence when it came out in 2004. Musically, we draw more from bands like Hate and Emperor. If you listen to the riffs themselves a second or third time, I think you’ll hear a little Ihsahn influence. Behemoth being pioneers of the Black/Death genre, we will always be compared to them it seems.
You shot a video for :Interpreter of Dreams” how was that experience? Where was it shot?
-Interpreter of Dreams was filmed in a 100 year old warehouse building in St. Louis. It was shot by Chris Roach of Bloody Roach Media. One of the best Media companies I’ve ever worked with. The music video was exhausting to say the least. In the end we are happy with the result.
Scott Fuller the drummer for Abysmal Dawn and Annihilated, a rising name in death metal mastering mixing, mastered the album- how did you get him to help out?
-We met Scott Fuller after opening for Origin and Abysmal Dawn at Fubar St. Louis. Him and I talked after the show about music in general and what Tyranny Enthroned was working on. He said he loved our set and told us about his company Sinminister Productions. We began working with him on our first album. He’s mixed and mastered our sophomore album as well. He’s done more than just album work for us behind the scenes. Thanks to him, we are where we are today. We will continue to work with him in the future.
Is there anywhere decent in STL to record a death/black metal album?
-I don’t think there is any studio that caters directly to extreme metal. We went to Firebrand Recording with Engineer Brian Scheffer. Firebrand isn’t directly known for metal but it is one of the best recording studios in St. Louis.
The new album was released on Blast Head Records- did that deal come about through Gabe Price and Eternium, also being on Blast Head?
-We actually approached Blast Head for our first record but the album was already pressed. Gabe didn’t officially join the band until after we spoke to Blast Head about our sophomore release. He has asked us about the position back in 2012. It was until this past year he joined us.
The new album was released on Blast Head Records- based in Canada. Are there any record labels in St Louis at all?
-I believe there are a few small labels here and there. None that I’m aware of.
Speaking of st Louis, it seems a scene of fine local bands, but no one that makes real news internationally or on the larger US scene- correct assumption or am i way off?
–Black Fast actually just signed a deal with Eone Heavy, home of Black Crown Initiate. They will definitely make a dent next year!
A lot of STL bands seem to break up quickly- any real reason for that?
-That happens everywhere. In every city there are bands that come and go. I don’t think there is any specific reason that happens here more than anywhere else.
Despite the scene, there are some great metal venues in STL – there used to be the creepy crawl, there’s firebird, fubar, pops, etc. Is that good for local bands, so you can get on bill of larger touring acts?
-Fubar and Firebird are at the top for great venues to play if you’re local. Robert Fancher of Fubar and Mike Cracchiolo of Firebird are responsible for bringing most great tours to St. Louis and we love working with them. They deserve nothing but praise for what they do.
Ever plan to play in Columbia MO- i could come and see you guys then, LOL
What are some other STL black.death metal bands i need to know about?
-For black metal check out Xaemora and Bastard. For death metal check out Animated Dead. Throwing in thrash, check out Thorhammer.
How do you say the stl metal scene compares to the KC scene just across the state?
-I’m not as familiar with the KC scene. I know a few names like Nefirum and Torn the Fuck Apart. You can find good bands in a lot of cities if you search hard enough.
You are getting ready to do a tour with Wisconsins Micawber-how did that come about?
-We have always wanted to transition to a touring act for years. Now that we have the members that are willing to put forth the effort we can achieve this goal. We have a van purchased and have upgraded our gear to make sure we leave a lasting impression wherever we go. Micawber has been a touring machine for years and they are the perfect fit for the upcoming “Path to Annihilation” tour!
Any concerns about touring with a deathcore band?
-If you asked me that question six years ago I would have had a different answer. Over the years we have become more open to touring and playing with different genres without some arrogant elitist attitude about if. If a talented and driven band with deathcore influences (example: Ovid’s Withering) would be willing to tour with us. We would jump at the chance! We are not elitists!
Any other tours in the works? the Blast head record deal should put the metal scene on notice and get you on some bigger tours right?
-We have a few things we are working on next year. Nothing confirmed but do not plan on slowing down after this upcoming tour. Definitely expect us to be near
you and soon!
Find more articles with: 2014, E.Thomas, Interview, Tyranny Enthroned
Man, why you gotta mention Scholomance. They could actually be a big name if they were together now that their take on metal has been more explored.
on Dec 8th, 2014 at 22:57Yeah Scholomance were pretty special- way ahead of thier time back when the The end records were good. that double album they did with the instrumental cd was killer..Hmmm a new classic maybe?
on Dec 9th, 2014 at 09:03