Martyr set to release first live dvd

Canadian tech death metal act Martyr are set to release their first ever live DVD-Havoc in Quebec City-In stores April 29th (Canada), June 24th (USA).  A Preview of the DVD is available on here

Watch as Progressive death thrash pioneers MARTYR rip to shreds any previous notion of tightness right before your eyes on their first-ever live DVD, Havoc in Quebec City. These rarely-witnessed legends of the Montreal scene, lead the viewer deep into over 3 hours of highly-personal footage that includes the following: A special, extended headlining performance of nearly fifteen songs spanning their three classic full-lengths, notably the globally-anticipated live renditions of material from their latest stunning studio masterpiece, Feeding The Abscess, studio footage, 5 additional live songs plus an hour-long documentary. Challenge all your metal senses with the closest thing to real MARTYR you will likely ever witness.

DVD info:

DVD 9, country code 0 NTSC, audio Dolby Digital Stereo, duration 187 minutes.

Mixed & mastered by Pierre Remillard (THE END, CRYPTOPSY).

Special guest: Jean-Yves ‘Blacky’ Thériault ex VOIVOD on ‘’Brain Scan” (VOIVOD cover) in the additional live songs section.

LIVE CONCERT (72 minutes):

01. Lost in Sanity

02. Warp Zone

03. Havoc

04. Endless Vortex Towards Erasing Destiny

05. Perpetual Healing (Infinite Pain)

06. Speachless

07. Nameless, Faceless, Neverborn

08. Retry ? Abort ? Ignore ?

09. Feast of Vermin

10. Virtual Emotions

11. Nipsky

12. Ostrogoth

13. Carpe Diem

14. Hopeless Hopes

15. Prototype


Documentary (57 minutes)

Recording sessions (33 minutes)

5 additional live songs (25 minutes)

Also Available:

Feeding The Abscess CD (GALY048)

Warp Zone CD (MRCD002)

Hopeless Hopes CD (MRCD001)

Martyr Tour Dates

April 18: Jonquière, QC Place Nikitoutagan

April 19: Baie St-Paul, QC Forum Jeunesse

May 08: Trois-Rivieres, QC Nord-Ouest Café 10$ ou 20$ avec DVD

May 23: Baltimore, MD Sonar (Maryland Deathfest)

June 06: Toronto, ON Opera House (w/ Kataklysm)

June 07: Montreal, QC Medley (w/ Kataklysm)

June 08: Quebec, QC Imperial (w/ Kataklysm, Unexpect)