Clawhammer PR Celebrates Thanksgiving with a HUGE 10 CD Giveaway

The leaves are gone, the snow has fallen, and the Christmas decorations are showing up. That only means one thing: The great American tradition of gluttony awkward family gatherings…namely…Thanksgiving. To celebrate, the fine folks at Clawhammer PR have teamed up with Teethofthedivine and Comatose Music, Kaotoxin Records, Orchestrated Misery Recordings, and Unspeakable Axe Records to present a massive, 10 CD giveaway to celebrate Turkey day.
One lucky, randomly selected winner simply has to fill out the form below and click submit, and hey presto you are entered for chance to win.
It’s easier than stuffing 3 plates of turkey in your face, and you won’t pass out naked in front of the TV.
Atara/Miserable Failure – Hang Them (Kaotoxin)
Decimation – Reign of Ungodly Creation (Comatose)
Devangelic – Resurrection Denied (Comatose)
Bloodsoaked – Religious Apocalypse (Comatose)
Septycal Gorge – Scourge of the Formless Breed (Comatose)
Throne of Sacrilege/Impurium – Unleashing a Cacophony of Destruction
(Orchestrated Misery Recordings)
Shards of Humanity – Fractured Frequencies (Unspeakable Axe)
Algebra – Feed the Ego (Unspeakable Axe)
DISCLAIMER: One winner will be picked randomly. The winners will be notified personally via email to confirm their shipping address. In case there is no confirmation in a reasonable time, Teeth of the Divine reserves the right to randomly pick a new winner. Your personal details will only be used to deliver the CDs to you and will not be shared with 3rd parties. Neither Teeth of the Divine, or Clawhammer PR take any responsibility over packages lost or stolen in the mail. Teeth of the Divine staff members are not eligible. Contest ends when there’s no form to fill. The form will be removed at some point during December 1st, 2014.
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