Embodiment of Death

While Sweden is the birthplace and home of buzzing, midrange death metal, other countries have dipped into the sound and come up with impressive takes on the sound. The Czech Republic (Brutally Deceased), Poland (Ulcer, Hereza), Greece (Wreckage), France (Skelethal) and even the US (Fatalist, Unwilling Flesh). Well Finland has their own impressive addition in Mörbid Vomit, an eclectic collective of current and former dudes from Black Sun Aeon, Devilhorn, Kivimetsan Druidi and The Zombi.
But this trio came together and released a compilation earlier this year on Blast Head Records, Return to the Crypts, compiling the band’s first two demos. And it killed. So much so it actually overshadowed some other higher profile releases in the same style. Dirty, burly, mid range soaked songs like “Fuck the Dead” and ““Engulfed by the Plague” are the epitome of the style down perfectly. So I caught up with vocalist guitarist Ville Ryöti to dig up the crypts further and see what the future holds for the trio.
So let’s get the boring one out of the way- tell me how a guy from Black Sun Aeon/Before the Dawn, a folk metal band, Kivimenstan Druidi and another guy from some more obscure bands like Devilhorn, The Zombi come together to form this force of unholy Swedish styled death metal?
The band was put together in January 2012 by me, Löndgren and our original drummer Ristölä. Me and Löndgren play in The Zombi but the band was (and still is) in a long hiatus so we decided to form a new band because we had the burning urge to play death metal. The Zombi is quite technical death metal and we wanted to do something with a more simple approach. After a few line-up changes the group has become a solid gore splashing trio, with The Zombis drummer Aki Kuusinen playing the session drums. We have known each other for many years.
Clearly the band is influenced by the Swedish death metal legends- any one band, album or song in particular? Seem like modern revivalists Entrails are an influence as well
The biggest musical inspiration came from Bloodbath, at least in the beginning. We are influenced by many genres, not just swedish death metal. Personally I don’t listen to Swedish type death metal that much but of course people can hear some Dismember, Grave and Entombed in our sound, those are the bands from this genre that we are familiar with. I think I need to check out Entrails because their name keeps popping out all the time when we are being reviewed or interviewed!
Are there any of the modern Swedish styled death metal bands that you guys think have really nailed it
I’m really not that familiar with newer bands as I don’t listen to Swedish death metal that much. Hell, I don’t even listen to death metal in general these days but Bloodbath’s latest album is awesome, despite the change of the vocalist. Facebreaker is a good one too.
Do you think the fact the style is blowing up again is cause for concern that it might get saturated or good for the style?
Yes, it seems that the HM-2 sound is making a majestic return. I’m not concerned, the more HM-2 we have in the world, the better place it will be.
The production on the album is sick- one of the best throwback tones i have heard. who produced/mastered and how was the tone achieved?
The first demo was recorded in our previous drummer’s summer cabin, engineered by Mika Ojala (Damngod) and mixed by Paavo Härkönen (The Zombi) and IBH-EP was recorded in our rehearsal room with the same guys. We used quite simple and even quite cheap gear to get this sound. The guitar sound is put together through Marshall JCM800 bass-amp with Boss HM-2 pedal, of course every knob turned to the max. You can get a really good and crushing sound if the sound engineers know what they are doing. We are very happy to have Mika and Paavo helping us, they will be with us for the debut album too.
What do you think it is about that sound and tone that makes it so timeless and classic?
There is no better sound than the soulraping Boss HM-2 sound. Nothing else sounds even remotely as crushing and ballbreaking. I’ve been wondering that why doesn’t everyone just use that sound instead of their shitty dry 5150 or Mesa sounds. Their loss.
The album was released on Blast Head records is a collection of two demos from 2012 and 2013. Do you have new material written?
We have written a complete album of new music, still missing some lyrics but we’re getting there. Well, better be getting there as we will hit the studio in 10th of June to record our debut album.
When can we expect a new album? would you like to work with Blast Head Records again?
We have an early schedule to release the album in the end of October. We would be more than happy to work with Blast Head Records again but I can’t discuss any details yet.
Why the Ghost BC cover ? Its the obvious choice a cover of one of the Dismember/Entombed/Grave Classics? For the record i was really hoping it was “The PrIme Mover” sung by Zodiac Mindwarp from the 80s.
Me and Löndgren are big fans of Ghost and when we were thinking about covering something, Ghost was the obvious choice for us. It would be quite boring to cover Entombed or Dismember as we already seem to have quite similar sound.
Can we expect more covers on future releases?
Any touring to support the band/release? What would be your ideal tour?
We are doing some shows in Finland before the album release but after the album release, we are aiming to play outside of Finland. Ideal tour.. a free tour! But seriously, few weeks in Europe would be a good start. After that, USA and Japan supporting Cannibal Corpse?
Ok , I have to ask- why the umlauts on the word “morbid?
When the band was put together, we wanted to have the most stupid name possible. At first the name was Morbid Vomit but we put the umlauts there to make ite even more retarded. Our music was supposed to be really lo-fi shit, thus the dumb name. The first songs turned out to be “too good” to be recorded lo-fi so we went with a more professional approach to have a crushing sound, yet we kept the name Mörbid Vomit.
Parting words?
Thank you for the interview, like our page on facebook to have all the news regarding the upcoming debut album!
Find more articles with: 2015, Blast Head Records, Interview, Mörbid Vomit
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