Posts Tagged ‘Reveiw’

Moisson Livide – Sent Empèri Gascon

I grabbed the promo for this release because A) it was on Antiq Records, home of the finest medieval black metal, and B) the band moniker reminded me of French folk metal act Boisson Divine, whose La Halha I reviewed back in 2020, and rather enjoyed. Well, lo and behold Moisson Livide (‘Angry/Livid Harvest’) is […]

Gatecreeper -An Unexpected Reality EP

I am relatively new to the Gatecreeper fan bandwagon – I would say about 2 years now and their brand of buzzsaw Swedish inspired death metal, mixed with hardcore grooves and stomps is brutal, punishing, catchy and what drew me into them in the first place.  Being on lockdown during this Pandemic has been brutal […]