Posts Tagged ‘Proto Metal’

Wytch Hazel – IV: Sacrament

I’m gonna come right out and say right at the start – I agree with Hank Hill on a lot of fronts. Not all, of course – Arlen’s favorite son certainly has an irremovable stick up his ass about a lot of things that, really, are just silly. But when it comes to Christian Rock, […]

Sordid Blade – Every Battle Has its Glory

Sometimes you stumble across an album that you just know is going to either be a complete and utter hit, or an absolute whiff from listener to listener – there will be no in-between. You either love it like you love your own child, or you want to throw it off a cliff like a […]

Blazon Rite – Endless Halls of Golden Totem

If there’s one thing I’ve learned about Philadelphia’s Blazon Rite, it’s this: Absolutely NO ONE is gonna have more fun than these dudes. Certainly, the world of Heavy Metal is no stranger full blown, tongue-in-cheek fuckery, which is just as well. If you’re going to take yourself too seriously while writing songs about medieval, fantastical […]