Posts Tagged ‘Speed/ Thrash Metal’

Necropanther – Oblivion Jones: A Tale of False Consciousness EP

This certainly came out of nowhere. It’s an EP, not a new full-length, but new Necropanther is all I, and hopefully by extension, you need to know. Before really getting into the meat (dead panther meat, I guess) of the EP, this is exactly what I want from this medium. I’ve always thought of them […]

Agent Steel – No Other Godz Before Me

For the newcomers out there Agent Steel are a speed metal band, from California and have gone on hiatuses several times in their close to 40 year existence.  Their 1985 debut Skeptics Apocalypse is still my favorite release by the band and their follow-up Unstoppable Force was also a personal favorite and still their best-selling […]

Children of Technology – Written Destiny

Ever since I can remember being really cognizant of technology’s stranglehold on modern society, I’ve known deep in my heart that it would one day kill me. Don’t worry, I’m not delusional enough to think I’m some kind of visionary on that philosophy. Science fiction has been trying to warn us of the perils of […]