Posts Tagged ‘Review’

Shrieking Demons – The Festering Dwellers

This Italian death metal band, Shrieking Demons, has come up with an album cover that is insanely awesome and it’s the first thing that drew me to this debut album, The Festering Dwellers.  They released an EP in 2021, Diabolical Regurgitations, which was ok, however, this debut album is a lot of fun. 10 songs […]

Corroding Soul – Corroding Soul

Sometimes, an album contains all great songs, no filler, no skips. Sometimes an album has a few good songs. Sometimes you buy an album because you saw one good video on MTV Headbangers Ball in the 90s, and the rest is terrible. Sometimes an album has one really killer song that makes the whole thing […]

Fleshbore – Painted Paradise

I’ve grown a mammoth-sized chubby for Tech-Death in recent years. I covered oodles of it last year and this one is already shaping up to be a brutal year for Tech-Death. Allow me to introduce Fleshbore. These four crazy lads from Indianapolis have crafted a solid, beat down that will have your fucking brain leaking […]

Saor – Amidst the Ruins

Scotland’s Folk/Pagan Black Metal band Saor, under the sole guise of Andy Marshall, and guest musicians, return with Amidst the Ruins, their sixth album.  This is their most adventurous and most expansive album to date. The 12+ minute title track leads the charge, opening this terrific album, with a long blast beat which has other […]

Barshasketh – Antinomian Asceticism

It’s usually a good sign when an album contains a church bell tolling in the distance: “For Whom the Bell Tolls” by Metallica and “Warriors of Modern Death” By Emperor and of course Iron Maiden’s “Hallowed Be Thy Name”. That’s just three that come to mind and yeah, there’s so many others but I’m here […]

Mavorim – In Omnia Paratus

2024 was a stellar year for German black metal. Albums from Asarhaddon, Opus Irae, Chaos Invocation, Kanonenfieber, Suffering Souls, Dauþuz, Far Beyond,  Stiriah and Servant were all damn fine releases. But at the tail end of 2024, Mavorim released an album that I never really got to spend too much time with before the year ended, and it’s […]

Rats of Gomorrah – Infectious Vermin

2025 is a new year, right? I’d imagine this new year for those of us in the United States is kind of like opening a gift of jars in the mail, thinking “Oh, cool someone sent me these to support my growing interest in canning.” Of course, you open the first one and it’s farts. […]

Putrid Defecation – Tales from the Toilet

Finland is not the usual place where brutal slam death metal is released from.  Yet here we are with the debut album from Putrid Defecation.  The band has slung together some splits and ep’s over the last several years however Tales from the Toilet is their debut album.  The band lists this as a full-length […]

Obscura – A Sonication

Germany’s Obscura needs no introduction. They have resided near or atop the tech death heap since 2009’s Cosmogenesis. For me, they peaked with 2016s Akroasis, but all of their albums have been excellent, including their last effort, 2021s A Valediction, which saw former members Christian Munzer (ex-Necrophagist, ex-Spawn of Possession) and fretless bassist Jeroen Paul Thessling return […]

Irae – Promiscuous Fire EP

In this frozen wasteland, I bring a tale of a Black Metal horde hailing from Portugal and bringing the 90s spirit of Black Metal all the way from Norway. It creates a tapestry of hopelessness that matches the world climate; be it politics or the actual weather changing in catastrophic ways. Enter Irae. Formed in […]

Mutagenic Host – The Diseased Machine

Mutagenic Host hails from London, England and is an up-and-coming death metal band, who released their The Genotoxic Demo in 2023.  Their filthy and sludgy brand of death metal is impressive and they one-up their demo with their debut album –  The Diseased Machine. 10 songs in 41 minutes and “Neurological Necrosis” starts things off […]

Knogjärn – Bly

Sometimes I step out of my comfort zone, it’s not often but when I do it tends to go extreme. Such is the case with Nu metal/metalcore act Knogjärn. This is definitely a different style and genre-wise; meaning that I’m in semi-uncharted waters… oh well, I’ve been in those before; so let’s get it going. […]

Onirophagus – Revelations from the Void

I have been a fan of Spain’s Onirophagus for quite some time.  I reviewed their 2013 debut album Prehuman and interviewed them for a different site, at that time.  The band blends doom and death metal perfectly and it’s been some time since their last album, their second one from 2019  – Endarkenment (Illumination Through […]

Harakiri For the Sky – Scorched Earth

You can virtually cut and paste my review of 2021’s Maere for this Austrian duo’s 6th album, as they are so locked into their despondent, post/ shoe gaze/ atmospheric black metal sound, it’s scary. That said, at a trim 67 minutes on 1 CD as opposed to Maere’s 2 CD, 84-ish minute affair, the band […]

Ex Deo – The Year of the Four Emperors EP

For four albums now, Ex Deo, the Roman-themed symphonic death metal act from Kataklysm’s Maurizio Iacono has steadily improved from a lazy Kataklysm clone with keyboards to a pretty solid act. Well with a Switch of labels from Nalapm Records to Reigning Phoenix, here is a taster EP to celebrate the shift. After covering the […]

World Eaters – Hounds of Hell EP

The first time I heard Bolt Thrower was in their Realm of Chaos (Slaves to Darkness) from 1989. It turned my Metal mind to full tilt, opening up a whole other level of brutality and extremity. Living in England during the burgeoning Death Metal scene was a special time that I’ll always cherish being a […]

Kildonan – Embers

Scotland is fucking beautiful. The Highlands are an amazing sight to behold, rolling, green, and absolutely vast. It’s a place that draws music from the people who in turn pull the rhythm from the very dirt itself. I’ve visited there and was stunned by the beauty. The lochs, especially Loch Ness are awe-inspiring. KILDONAN is the […]

Cerebral Hemorrhage – Exempting Reality (Reissue)

Cerebral Hemorrhage was a short-lived NYDM from the late 90’s to the early 00’s.  In 2001 they released their only album Exempting Reality.  They combined the slam and style of Internal Bleeding, Dehumanized, and Repudilation.  All NY slam bands and I’ve even read online reviews about the debut album and vocalist Matthew Szablewicz being compared […]

Revolting – Night of the Horrid

I missed the last album 2022s Born to be Dead, from Rogga Johansson’s Revolting project, just one of his 258 bands. However, the last time I heard them, on 2020s The Shadow at the World’s End, it was clear I was getting a bit bored with them, despite really enjoying the 3 album run of The […]

Panzerchrist – Maleficium Part I

When Panzerchrist released Last of a Kind in 2023 I was fucking ecstatic. It had been a long minute since 7th Offensive and their departure from the Metal community was deeply emotional (I know I cried like a bitch… not really but I was sad for sure) so when Last of a Kind was announced, […]

Abschwörzunge Whorl EP

The year of the EP was 2024. Without a doubt I think I covered more Eps last year than any other in recent memories; granted that my brain is Swiss fucking cheese but whatever. Eps ruled! Abschwörzunge has unleashed hell with its incredibly bleak outlook on humanity in sonic form with Whorl. It’s a dirty, […]

Ritual Fog – But Merely Flesh

Something is going on in Tennessee. There’s stench in the air, it’s foul and nauseating and is permeating the Death Metal community with some fresh blood. Enter Ritual Fog from Memphis and their chest bursting debut But Merely Flesh. Following a split EP and the release of the single Visions of Blasphemy; both in 2022, […]

Śmierć – Op​ó​r

Śmierć (‘Death’, ‘End of life’) is a long-running Swedish band paying to Polish hardcore with Polish titles and such. Op​ó​r (‘Resistance’) is their third effort and they were kind enough to reach out to the site directly and send me a copy of the LP, with its gorgeous artwork and all. The album is co-released […]

Gotho – Gothron Vs Fartark

I’ve always loved soundtracks and instrumental albums in general. This has been a great year for instrumental Death Metal and Dark Wave and these Italian maniacs have crafted a second amaze-balls album aptly named Gothron Vs Fartark. Apparently, there’s a story going on between these alien forces… It’s mind blowing, indeed. From the press release: […]

Konkhra – Sad Plight of Lucifer

Remember these guys? At one point in the mid-1990s Denmark’s Konkhra was on the very cusp of international metal stardom. As nu-metal exploded and death metal was selling out/transitioning to more commercial groovy sounds (Gorefest, Grave, Obituary, Entombed, Mercyless, Dismember, etc), Konkhra capitalized on this. And with albums like Sexual Affect Disorder, Spit or Swallow […]