Posts Tagged ‘Death Metal’

Rats of Gomorrah – Infectious Vermin

2025 is a new year, right? I’d imagine this new year for those of us in the United States is kind of like opening a gift of jars in the mail, thinking “Oh, cool someone sent me these to support my growing interest in canning.” Of course, you open the first one and it’s farts. […]

Mutagenic Host – The Diseased Machine

Mutagenic Host hails from London, England and is an up-and-coming death metal band, who released their The Genotoxic Demo in 2023.  Their filthy and sludgy brand of death metal is impressive and they one-up their demo with their debut album –  The Diseased Machine. 10 songs in 41 minutes and “Neurological Necrosis” starts things off […]

Ex Deo – The Year of the Four Emperors EP

For four albums now, Ex Deo, the Roman-themed symphonic death metal act from Kataklysm’s Maurizio Iacono has steadily improved from a lazy Kataklysm clone with keyboards to a pretty solid act. Well with a Switch of labels from Nalapm Records to Reigning Phoenix, here is a taster EP to celebrate the shift. After covering the […]

World Eaters – Hounds of Hell EP

The first time I heard Bolt Thrower was in their Realm of Chaos (Slaves to Darkness) from 1989. It turned my Metal mind to full tilt, opening up a whole other level of brutality and extremity. Living in England during the burgeoning Death Metal scene was a special time that I’ll always cherish being a […]

Revolting – Night of the Horrid

I missed the last album 2022s Born to be Dead, from Rogga Johansson’s Revolting project, just one of his 258 bands. However, the last time I heard them, on 2020s The Shadow at the World’s End, it was clear I was getting a bit bored with them, despite really enjoying the 3 album run of The […]

Konkhra – Sad Plight of Lucifer

Remember these guys? At one point in the mid-1990s Denmark’s Konkhra was on the very cusp of international metal stardom. As nu-metal exploded and death metal was selling out/transitioning to more commercial groovy sounds (Gorefest, Grave, Obituary, Entombed, Mercyless, Dismember, etc), Konkhra capitalized on this. And with albums like Sexual Affect Disorder, Spit or Swallow […]

Moss Upon the Skull – Quest for the Secret Fire

I’m thankful for Death Metal. The crushing heaviness of daily life is magically mutilated with each blast beat and sick as fuck riff. Moss Upon the Skull has been the soundtrack to my life for the past week. They’ve been in the game since 2010 and released their “Imperial Summoning” single back in 2014 followed […]

Paganizer – Flesh Requiem

Sweden’s Paganizer returns with their 13th album, Flesh Requiem.  This is one of Rogga Johansson’s main acts in the numerous amount of bands he is actively in, which is a lot!!  Paganizer has morphed over the years into a quality Swedish death metal act, with the HM-2 buzzsaw guitar sound.  It is not as bludgeoning […]

Carnal Savagery – Graveworms, Cadavers, Coffins and Bones

For 4 albums since 2020 , Sweden’s Carnal Savagery has been one of those solid to decent Swedish Death metal bands that I have enjoyed, purchased albums, etc, but never truly loved or considered an heir apparent to the legends of the genre. Despite members coming out of the genre’s birth in the early 90s […]

Rotpit – Long Live the Rot

  Rotpit are a filthy death metal band featuring members residing in Sweden and Germany.  Ralf Hauber on vox (Revel in Flesh, Heads For the Dead), Jonny Petterson on guitars/bass (Heads For the Dead, Wombbath) and Erik Barthold on drums (Darklands) return with their second full-length album and have managed to make this a tad […]

A La Carte – Born to Entertain

I have an unequivocal love for themed Death Metal bands. VHS, Fulci, Fluids, Satanic Tea Company and Surfin Bird Death Metallers Kólga. I mean, yeah there’s Alestorm but they’re sort of becoming a ‘party, party, drink, drink’ band like Steel fucking Panther and less fun than when they were keelhauling motherfuckers instead of getting plowed […]

Ad Vitam Infernal – Le ballet des anges

My bud Alex, the owner of Dolorem Records, has sent me another promo for one of his bands and this time it’s for Ad Vitam Infernal, a death metal band hailing from France.  The album cover is quite striking and with all of his releases this is the best one yet.   with the Devil and […]

Mammoth Grinder – Undying Spectral Resonance EP

2024 has been the year of the EP. I think I might have covered more EPs this year than in previous and that’s not a bad thing. They’re bite sized albums, five maybe six tracks; half an hour tops. Yet within those handfuls of tracks, magic (albeit a dark, blood soaked and decapitated rabbit) can […]

Wretched Fate – Incineration of the Pious EP

Sweden’s Wretched Fate has released 2 fine albums of Swedish-styled death metal, with their debut Fleshletting, back in 2019, and their 2023 follow-up, Carnal Heresy. Both put them near the top of the conversation as one of the bright newcomers in the genre. To remind us they are still a major player in the genre, […]

Kaivs – After the Flesh

Italy’s Kaivs released the Horrend ep last year and all those songs have been re-recorded for their debut album – After the Flesh.  The Dan Seagrave type of striking artwork drew me into this album.  The color hues of yellow, purple, blue and red really is eye-catching.  It’s all fun and games with cool album […]

Chained to the Dead – Only Hunger Remains EP

A traditional American dinner consists of meat and potatoes, usually with a vegetable of some sort. It’s one of my favorite foods because it fills me up and that’s how I often view American Death Metal; comparisons could be made but I’m not really going to go down a rabbit hole here so think a […]

Human Harvest – Void of the Vile

We all know Jonny Pettersson (or Rogga Johanssen 2.0, as I like to call him) from his current and former work in multiple bands, including the now-defunct Henry Kane, Wombbath, Rotpit, Heads for the Dead, Gods Forsaken, Massacre, and others. While he is more known for Swedish-styled death metal projects, he has branched out (as heard on the […]

Sentient Horror – In Service of the Dead

I’ve reviewed my fair share of Sentient Horror releases and have seen this New Jawsey HM-2 Swedish-inspired death metal band live after their outstanding Ungodly Forms debut album.  I still feel their debut is by far their best release and their other releases have been good and well-received by the fans. Their last album, their […]

Earthburner – Permanent Dawn

While Jeremy Wagner was on hiatus from Broken Hope back in 2002 (before they got back together), he, along with Broken Hope drummer Mike Miczek, started Earthburner, named after a Broken Hope song from Grotesque Blessings, to pass the time. However, Broken Hope reformed and released some more albums, but Earthburner was always sort of lurking […]

Loudblast – Altering Fates and Destinies

Vivé le France part deux? See I just finished a review for fellow countrymen Mercyless,  and their recent Those Who Reign Below album,  and who could probably arm wrestle Loudblast for the notoriety of the first French Death Metal band. However according to Metal Archives, Loudblast is the first, so I don’t fucking know and […]

Deivos – Apophenia

Lublin Poland’s Deivos return with their Seventh full-length album Apophenia. Deivos plays a very groovy style of technical death metal that is quite pummeling. Things get kicked off with a fury with “Feretory.”  One thing I noticed off the bat from last record is that the production is much brighter. “My Sacrifice” opens with some […]

Molder – Catastrophic Reconfiguration

I’ve not been shy about Molder being my favorite of these new school death metal bands. I have a vest with their Gremlins back patch, signed by the band. Frontman Aaren Pantke signed it with an “OUGH.” I swear I didn’t put him up to it, but if I had, that’s exactly what I would […]

Sedimentum – Derrière les Portes d’une Arcane Transcendante EP

Canada produces, on average, some of the finest, most killer Black Metal and Death Metal. It’s the home to Black Metal titans Blasphemy, Death Metal tricksters VHS, and hordes of other, equally deadly bands capable of crushing the listener into mulch. Enter Sedimentum. Suppuration morphogénésiaque was at the top of my year-end list that year, […]

Ashen Tomb – Ecstatic Death Reign

Just check out this album cover from Finland’s Ashen Tomb!!  Anytime you’ve got a Kaiju-sized maggot-encrusted corpse sitting down saying:  “Wow! I’ve had a rough life, I’m gonna sit my ass down for a break and maybe order me up some cheeseburgers” – well I’m gonna be all over the album, let me tell you. […]

Mercyless – Those Who Reign Below

Vivè la France! After hosting the most controversial and Metal as fuck Olympics that saw countrymen Gojira performing next to a headless Marie Antoinette and a feast of mythological proportions; all in the opening ceremony. Mercyless are also from France, and although they play a significantly different style of Death Metal than Gojira, they bring […]