Posts Tagged ‘Comedy’

Lawnmower Deth – Blunt Cutters

Seemed like yesterday I discovered UK based metal/hardcore/crossover/thrash/blast beat Flying Killer Cobs From the Planet Bob, Lawnmower Deth.  Their 1990 debut Ooh Crikey It’s… Lawnmower Deth, on Earache Records is still one of my all time favorite albums.  The band always having a laugh and incorporating humor into their various and eclectic musical styles and […]

Witch Taint – Sons of Midwestern Darkness

“Warning! What you about to hear is extremely extreme. If think you can handle it by all means listen. However, if you have a preexisting condition that is aggravated by things that are evil, extreme, infernal brutal, cult , unholy or just sort of negative in general, you are urged to turn off this recording. […]