Posts Tagged ‘High Roller Records’

Scald  – Ancient Doom Metal

Scald is a name that appears in heavy metal lore. Specifically, the epic doom genre, or as their new album indicates, Ancient Doom Metal. I was taken aback when I saw that they were going to be releasing a new album, considering the first and only was in 1997. I heard Will of the Gods […]

Cloven Hoof – Heathen Cross

UK’s Cloven Hoof has been around since 1979…yes you read that correctly.  Now while the band has broken up a few times, only to reform and release new material, the band has gone through many changes over the decades. For me, their 1984 s/t debut will always be my favorite of theirs.  It was evil.  […]

Assassin – The Upcoming Terror/ Interstellar Experience (Reissues)

SOOO I am a huge Thrash Metal fan.  In the 80’s while I was trying to find the hardest and heaviest music possible one of the scenes, which for me, has always been on par with the American Thrash Metal scene, was Germany.  The main staples of Kreator, Sodom and Destruction were crushing it.  However […]

Sentry – Sentry

I am a tremendous Manilla Road fan.  Unfortunately, they are one of the few bands I never had a chance to see live, prior to the passing of founder/vocalist/guitarist Mark Shelton – a true metal genius.  RIP Metal Brother.  From the ashes, we will rise and what we have here is 50% Manilla Road and […]

Morbid Saint – Swallowed by Hell

Wisconsin’s thrash metal band Morbid Saint were around in the 80’s-early 90’s before they disbanded and then reformed in 2010.  The band’s rise in popularity was bolstered in 2016, thanks to the 2CD reissue/remaster of the band’s 1990 classic debut Spectrum of Death, and their 1992 follow-up Destruction System, which was never released until 2015. […]

Power From Hell – Profound Evil Presence

Here’s the 6th album from Brazilian Black/Thrash veterans Power From Hell, whom I’m not familiar with due to my general lack of knowledge or affinity for Black/Thrash metal. And due to those reasons, probably won’t check out again, but fans of the genre should check them out if they haven’t already. Culling from  the first […]

Protector – Summon the Hordes

You’d think it was 1988 all over again, what with Opprobrium (then Incubus) releasing albums (also on High Roller Records), Jeff Becerra and Possessed roaming around after 37 years, and now another early death/thrash band, Protector has released a solid album also, though this band’s hiatus wasn’t as long, they went dark for a long […]

Opprobrium – The Fallen Entities

If you are reading this review, I’m going to assume you know this history behind this veteran Louisiana brother act. If you don’t, here is the cliff notes version: Two brothers from Louisiana form a band called Incubus and band release two pretty influential releases in Serpent Temptation (1988) and Beyond the Unknown ( 1990) […]

Destruction – Sentence of Death/Infernal Overkill/Eternal Devastation (Reissues)

I had no idea Germany’s Destruction have been around since 1982-Christ Almighty.  I’ve been a fan since their 1984 Sentence of Death ep.  Guess I’ve lost track of time and I have not followed the band since the 1990 Cracked Brain album.  So this is Part I of my Destruction reissue review series.  Germany’s High […]

Deathstorm – Blood Beneath the Crypts

The retro thrash genre seems to be really in full swing as of late, with many a bands taking a swing at the plate and seeing who strikes that home run. I use the baseball or team analogy because with most teams, you got your star players, your second stringers and your bench warmers. While […]