Posts Tagged ‘Speed Metal’

Demiser – Slave to the Scythe

OK, hear me out… 2024 has been a friggin’ WILD ride for the world of metal and extreme music. Like it or not, the spotlight has perhaps never shone brighter on our little deranged corner of the music world than it is right now. Ignore for a moment legendary stalwarts like Metallica, Iron Maiden or […]

Midnight – Hellish Expectations

The idea that I, some dumb schmuck from the fuck-all dregs of nowhere, could actually offer anything that might change your opinion of Midnight or indeed this, their latest offering of dick-swinging, occult-obsessed Blackened Speed and Punk, is goddamn laughable. In fact, I’ll just come right out and say this right from the get-go (because the […]

I Am the Intimidator – I Am the Intimidator 

There’s a saying in my part of the good ol’ USA. “Raise hell, praise Dale!” I’m certain it’s used countrywide, but I believe my area, particularly a couple hours away from where I was born, probably has a trademark on it. I’m certain there’s no question it’s regarding Dale Earnhardt, or “The Intimidator.” Decals on […]

Black Knife – Baby Eater Witch

The back half of 2023 has provided me with a pretty hefty load of really heavy albums. I don’t mean, like, bone-crushing, headbanging heavy – I mean like, they’ve given me a lot to think about. Really full, robust listening experiences that take a lot of time and focus to really dissect, really understand. Some […]

Graveripper – Seasons Dreaming Death

HOLY SHIT did I need this album in my life right about now. A couple years ago, Graveripper dropped an EP that, though fairly raw in its delivery, showcased a ton of potential in these thrashing Indiana maniacs. Radiated Remains packed more killer riffs in its brief 20-minute onslaught than a lot of bands can dish […]

Hellripper – Warlocks Grim & Weathered Hags

It stand to reason that with each new album an artist creates, the goal is to showcase the best, most authentic version of themselves. Make no mistake, that doesn’t mean that we, the listeners, have to like the output; but even in those cases where a new album may fall flat on the ears of […]

Necro Weasel – Never Again

OK so, Necro Weasel. Sounds kinda silly, right? Like the kind of thing you don’t have to think real hard about or take too seriously. If you’re like me, you’re picturing a furry little dude wearing Abbath-like corpsepaint running around in the woods with a little plastic axe. SO PRECIOUS. Good, clean, ridiculous fun. NOPE. […]

Witchery – Nightside

What do you call Witchery at this point in their career? A super group? A collective, ever-evolving side project (aside from guitarists Patrick Jensen and Rickard Rimfalt, the last two remaining original members)? What was once basically a catch-all side gig for former members of Seance along with legendary bassist Sharlee D’Angelo (Mercyful Fate, Arch […]

Nekkromaniac – Plague Eater

OK, so look. I’ve made my love for the whole old school Blackened Thrash thing very well-apparent to this point. Give me a group of dudes wailing away on some nasty riffs, tortured vocals about demons and Satan and shit, package it up with some more raw, stripped-down production, and you’ve basically got me hook, […]

Bastard – Rotten Blood

OK, so we all have particular tastes and preferences that we can’t help or do anything about, right? To that end, when it comes to music, I think we all have certain kinds sounds we’re just absolute suckers for. You hear something in that wheelhouse, and it hits you like a friggin’ Mack track driven […]

Midnight – Let There Be Witchery

Oh hey – just in time for World War III, AKA “The ACTUAL War to End All Wars” because this time around we’re all packing that doomsday-level heat. Sick. Seriously, for what its worth, who better to ring in the potential end of days, right? We’ve all been looking over at Vladdy-boy saying “Hey. HEY! […]

Ültra Raptör – Tyrants

OK, hands raised, who here predicted that the 2021 metal album of the year would come from a speed/power metal band called Ültra Raptör? Anyone? *crickets* Anyone?… No one?… Well I’ve got just one thing to say to all you doubters out there! THIS… is not the 2021 metal album of the year. You’re right. […]

Dungeon Steel – Bloodlust EP

One of the things I love most about music, and this especially applies to the wide-ranging world of metal, is that there are all kinds of ways a band can grab you by the throat and force you to give them your attention. It’s not a one-size-fits-all, one-formula-for-all situation. You can dazzle with an all-out […]

Wraith – Undo The Chains

This past year has been a tough one for… well, so goddamn many reasons. But in particular, the last year has seen the Metal community lose a heartbreaking amount of legendary and highly influential artists. LG Petrov (Entombed, Firespawn), Alexi Laiho (Children of Bodom, Bodom After Midnight), Sven Gross (Fleshcrawl), Mike Howe (Metal Church, Heretic), […]

Black Mass – Feast at the Forbidden Tree

That album cover… I mean, BRA-FUCKING-VO. The mighty-as-hell Manowar-esque dudes holding various severed heads, the barely-clothed dusky maidens gazing upon our heroes here in awe and wonder. I mean, it’s just a thing of goddamn beauty. A modern classic in the realm of retro metal. I’ve been an absolute glutton for all these newer bands […]

Eradicator – Influence Denied

For a little while now, we’ve found ourselves in a new golden era of Thrash, and being that it was pretty much my gateway drug into the world of metal, I couldn’t be more thrilled that thrash itself has expanded and become home to such a wide-reaching spectrum of bands and sounds. From the dizzying, […]

Video Nasty – Video Nasty EP

I’m gonna go out on a real limb here and guess that you, dear reader, are probably no stranger to Horror films. You might even call yourself a fan of horror. Heck, I’m gonna double down here, and bet you might even have an affinity for shitty, low-budget horror flicks with the aesthetic appeal of […]

Vulture – Dealin’ Death

Vultures are, far and away, the gnarliest friggin’ birds you’re ever gonna come across. I’m not talking about those oddly and simultaneously ugly and pretty King Vultures, or those powerful evil-wizard-looking bearded vultures, OR those badass mythical motherfucker Griffon Vultures. No, I’m talking your everyday, nightmare-inducing, boiled-skull-looking turkey vulture. LOOK AT THAT FUCKING THING. Terrifying. […]

Beekeeper – Slaves to the Nothing

Bees are totally fuckin wild, man. Yes, I’m one of those “SAVE THE BEES!” guys. They’re really fucking important! Yeah, they’ve got the stingy bits and everyone in my generation was scarred by the end of “My Girl” and blah blah yadda yadda WHATEVER. Sure, some folks have potentially deadly reactions to be stings. That […]

Demiser – Through the Gate Eternal

Oh goodness this is good. Er, uh, wait – I mean, “GREAT BLAZING HELLFIRE THIS IS FUCKING RIPS!” Sorry. It’s finally springtime, friends! While I personally am a very big fan of winter (an not just because it’s the GRIMMEST time of year), I have to admit that after a year of the pandemic, a […]

Evil – Possessed By Evil

Anyone who really knows me, knows I like it fast, raw, dirty and just this side of sadistic… What? No, get your fucking head out of the gutter ya dork. No, I’m not talking about my relations with your mom (heh heh), I’m talking of course of Japan’s young bringers of Blackened Speed/Thrash Evil, and […]