Posts Tagged ‘Brutal Death Metal’

Visions of Annihilation – The Inception of Chaos

Texas brutal death metal newcomers Visions of Annihilation drop their debut album The Inception of Chaos on Brian Ferrell’s Ossuary Industries label. Brian knows good homegrown brutal American death metal and as a huge supporter of the scene he snatched up this band. They use a drum machine but don’t let that dissuade you. It’s programmed quite excellently […]

Kanine – Karnage

Now THAT is an album cover. T-shirt immediately purchased. But how is the music? Well, Lacerated Enemy has taken a break from symphonic/blackened deathcore and delivered us a fucking monster of a slam/brutal death metal record from France’s Kanine. And if you thought Organectomy (whose Nail Below Nail releases the same day as Karnage) or […]

Embryonic Autopsy – Prophecies of the Conjoined

Finally; my longtime friend in stoolism and brutality Tim King returns to death metal. Tim played bass and sang with the Chicago 90s brutal/tech death band Oppressor and we became fast friends in the 90’s playing shows together. I remember one Internal Bleeding show with them and Symphony of Grief was like at a bowling alley or some shit. We […]

Bludgeoned – Summary Execution EP

I grabbed this 5 song EP for review for 1 simple fact; Jon Huber. The former vocalist of I Declare War, Pathology, and I Detest ( as well as live vocals for Whitechapel back on the day), has been one of my favorite vocalists for a while now since I heard his blast furnace of […]

Pathology – The Everlasting Plague

I have to hand it to Pathology, after fifteen years of existence the band comes sneaking in here at the end of 2021 with what may just be their best album yet, their eleventh full-length album(???), The Everlasting Plague. Througout the band’s career their consistency can hardly be rivaled. Every album has arguably been a […]

Cutterred Flesh – Sharing is Caring

Czechia’s Cutterred Flesh are a new band on my radar, thanks to Transcending Obscurity. This is their fifth full length and the first time I’ve heard them. They’re classified as brutal death metal, and that fits. If you’re on board with Aborted or Benighted, this is certainly going to be right up your alley. There […]

Laparotomy – Ascendancy through Hypnagogic Thought Process

Ascendancy through Hypnagogic Thought Process is simultaneously everything you expect and have heard from internet-ville brutal death metal projects, yet thoughtfully propelling the sound into a heightened realm of mind expanding slam mysticism.  Laparotomy is a studio project birthed by one Darryn Palmer, with drums and vocals provided by Justin McNeil.  Mr. Palmer is a […]

Bodysnatch – Instigate the Lunatics

You want more brutal slam death metal, don’t ya??  Bodysnatch out of Switzerland have been kicking it around since mid 00’s.  Insights of a Rotten Theatre was their 2011 debut album and started the ball rolling with getting the band an underground following.  The band went through some changes over the years and since they […]

Traumatomy – Extirpation Paradigms

I have already reviewed 2 high-profile brutal slam death metal releases for 2021 – the new Korpse and Abominable Putridity albums.  When our site owner, Erik “My Beard is Fuller than Yours” Thomas, recommended the new Traumatomy for me to review I was like…oh boy here’s another Russian slam band that sounds like my alma […]

In Asymmetry – Ashes Of Dead Worlds

I have to admit I’m a little bored of brutal death metal. Especially the stuff Comatose puts out on the regular basis; gurgle, squeal, rape, cunt, gore, blast etc. I  mean I don’t dislike it, there is a time and a place for it, but the last album they released that remotely stuck with me […]

Feculent – The Grotesque Arena ep

Feculent is an Australian death metal band and The Grotesque Arena ep is their first release.  4 dudes who go by initials trying to make their mark in our over-congested death metal scene.  6 songs in 19 minutes on the ever expanding Caligari Records out of Florida. “The Grotesque Arena: Upon Splintered Bone” opens the […]

Dyskinesia – Micturating Deposits of Grit Through the Urinary Tract EP

Dyskinesia is a brand new brutal death metal band featuring the majority of Sanguisugabogg.  Cedrik Davis guitars/bass, Cody Davidson guitars/bass/drums and Devin Swank on vocals.  This 3 song little ditty of an ep has been picked up by New Standard Elite and the band has aspirations to record a full-length too.  And even though Sanguisugabogg […]

Insect Inside – The First Shining of New Genus

Do You like slam? Do you like Russian slam? Do you like bands like Disfigurement of Flesh and Morphogenetic Malformation? Do you like the killer artwork of Aghy Purakusuma (Gorgatron, Stillbirth), Do you like song titles like “Revival of Ungodly Deformity” or “Evisceration Through the Throat”?  Do you like other Gore House releases by Engutturalment Cephaloslamectomy  and […]

Sanguisugabogg – Tortured Whole

In 2019 I reviewed and raved about the Sanguisugabogg ep Pornographic Seizures. That was my favorite ep for that year and since then the band has seen quite a rise in their popularity.  An ep of a mere 11 minutes, saw the band go on a bunch of mini tours throughout the country with a […]

Abominable Putridity – Parasitic Metamorphosis Manifestation

In their 18 years of existence Russia’s Abominable Putridity has accumulated a rabid following and for a band that does not play live shows it’s been impressive.  Their 2007 debut In the End of Human Existence is one of my favorite debut albums in all of brutal slam death metal.  Beyond brutal knuckle-dragging heaving and […]

Korpse – Insufferable Violence

The Netherlands have quite a varying style of death metal genres and brutal slam death metal act Korpse were kind of a free-agent last year after releasing 2 prior albums.  Their 2013 self-titled debut and the sophomore Unethical in 2016.  Korpse had amassed, in their relatively short existence, quite a decent following and many of […]

Marasmus – Necrotic Overlord

Here’s some tech death from the best heavy metal label in existence, Transcending Obscurity. If you don’t believe my words, you can always check my year end list where I mentioned this. Once again, though, that’s in my words, so if you don’t believe it here, you won’t there. Anyway… Here’s some new tech death […]

Ominous Ruin – Amid Voices That Echo in Stone

Jeeeezus!  San Francisco California’s Ominous Ruin debut album is here and it’s a hell of a first effort. If it is conceivable to think of a heavier Spawn of Possession or Archspire these guys might very well be in that mix. “Ritual” kicks off this forty-six-minute clinic in riff fury and intensity. Guitarist Alex Bacey […]

Fractal Generator – Macrocosmos

Several months ago Everlasting Spew Records posted about the new Fractal Generator album Macrocosmos and posted a brand new song.  I had never heard the band before and after checking out the song immediately got their 2015 self-released debut, the outstanding Apotheosynthesis.  I was blown away by this Canadian brutal band as they combine death […]

Abramelin – Never Enough Stuff

Australia’s Abramelin reformed in 2016 after lying dormant since 2002.  Century Media Records released the phenomenal 3cd collector’s edition Transgressing the Afterlife: The Complete Recordings 1988-2002.  The complete material of the band, even since their Acheron days. Abramelin released several killer and brutal death metal albums back in the mid 90’s and in 2000.  I […]

Focal Dystonia – Descending (In)Human Flesh

Ever wonder what it would sound like if you mixed Disgorge with Malignancy? Germany’s Focal Dystonia is absolutely melting my brain and may be answer to my own question.  Featuring guitarist Floor Van Kujik (Korpse) and drummer Florent Duployer.  This one would have completely missed my radar had a not just randomly took a chance […]

Ossuary Anex – Obscurantism Apogee

I have been a fan of Russia’s brutal death metal masters, Ossuary Anex, since their Awakening debut album close to a decade ago.  They have morphed into a brutal slam death metal band into some more technical death metal realms throughout their other releases and on their new 3rd album Obscurantism Apogee Ossuary Anex bring […]

Rancid Taint Discharge – Taste The Love

The introduction for an album by a band called Rancid Taint Discharge writes itself, but I’m an incredibly serious reviewer. I don’t have time for such childish musings (pushes up glasses). What you’re going to get here is the well-read, researched point of a view of a wise, learned man. So, let’s get right into […]

Incinerate – Sacrilegivm

2020 continues to throw forearm smashes in my eardrums in the form of awesome Death Metal.  I have been following Incinerate since they started in 1998 which is around the same time that I started my first band Pentagoria.  I had met vocalist Jesse Watson at Milwaukee Metal fest that year and was excited to […]

Voracious Scourge – In Death

I was a big fan of the 2018 debut ep Our Demise, by Voracious Scourge, in 2018.  Originally planned just to release an ep, Jason McIntyre, pursued the thought of wanting to release a full length and here we are.  Mike Smith, from Suffocation fame, again lays down the drums and Aad Kloosterwaard continuing to […]